Rife Therapy - Resonant frequency in light wavelengths can have a positive effect on balancing the body.
We hear the sound a certain way because of the vibration it makes in our ears. Sound can also be felt as a vibration, which is the way people who are deaf can detect sound. This resonance is significant because it matches each type of microbes uniquely.
Get in tune
Rife Frequency Therapy works with sound resonance. This resonance is significant because it matches each type of microbes in your body uniquely. Just as a radio needs to be tuned to the specific channel to hear its specific frequency, we tune the frequency machine to the frequencies needed to help balance your body. Rife Frequency Therapy can also help the body rid itself of pathogens in various ways.
We use the GB4000 for our frequency therapy. With thousands of possible frequency options using a digital signal processor. Which can run single or multiple frequencies (up to 8 frequencies simultaneously). Incorporates gating or pulsing capabilities from 1 - 5000 Hz with a 10 - 90% duty cycle. The GB4000 is capable of running both sine wave and square wave waveforms in RF mode.