Evox Biofeedback Ideas & Packages
These biofeedback (biocommunication) sessions can be done on ANY topic!
And are helpful for anyone.
Here are a few ideas of that people have done with the package deals.
Sources of Stress package-
Financial, Money, Job, Relationships, Emotional Troubles, Childhood Traumas, Health, Physical, Illness, Injury, Disease…
Relationship package-
Spouse, significant other, Ex’s Traumas, Divorce, Finances, Infidelity, Insecurities, Roles, Expectations, Conflicts…
Money & Wealth package-
Income, Savings, Debt, Toxic Money, Income and Wealth Goals, Limiting Beliefs, Self Worth, Perceptions, Perfectionism, Feeling Invisible, Able to Receive, Money Management, Job Stressors, Sales, MLM’s, Follow up, Organization, Motivation…
Weight Loss Package-
Emotional issues, Self Image, Insecurities, Overeating, Metabolism, Health Conditions, Digestive or Nutritional issues, Endocrine system…
Personal Growth Package-
Self esteem, Self doubt, Anxieties, Depression, Fears, Self critical, Anger, Unworthy, Conflicting beliefs, Blind spots, Limiting beliefs, Head Trash…
Topic Specific-
Specific Person, Specific Event or Trauma, Anger, Death of a loved one, Divorce, Children, Coworkers, Holidays, Spiritual Issues, Addictions, Substance Abuse, Anxiety, Depression, anything listed above, or any topic.
Goal Setting-
Income, Work, Deadlines, School, Sports Performance, Ability to Focus…
Foundational package –
Clears childhood perceptions, the past, generational issues, learned patterns.
Mom, Dad, Grandparents, Spouse, Ex
Individual sessions are $95 each.
Packages are 5 sessions for $425, $85 each.
Monthly packages are $85 per session.
Call 563-659-6111 or email for an appointment MyVitalForceWellness@gmail.com
To schedule online https://square.site/book/CYMA0GKMF8BP8/my-vital-force-holistic-health-hub-dewitt-ia
Sessions can be in person (in Office) or a virtual remote session (with the technology mailed to you for the appointment). Click here for more info https://www.myvitalforce.com/zyto-remote-sessions