Regain & Retain Wellness with Holistic Health
What is health to you?
I believe that health is more than merely the absence of disease. It is total state of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social well-being. We like to call it Holistic Health - and the Mind, Body, Soul Connection.
Holistic Health can better be understood as an approach to life. Rather than focusing on illness or specific symptoms or parts of the body, this ancient approach to health considers the whole person and how to create individual wellness for each person. Wellness is more than being free from illness: it is a process of change and growth towards a mentally and physically healthier lifestyle. Plus, the understanding that little changes made regularly will equal big results over time!
‘Wholistic’ is the philosophy that all parts are interconnected. In medicine, wholistic treatment is the treatment of a person as a whole, mind, body and social factors. Holistic medicine considers the mind and spirit in addition to the physical body, seeing them as inseparable parts of a whole. Holistic health is based upon the premise that as a person we are interconnected with our mind, body, and spirit, otherwise called our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects. How we take care of each of these aspects impacts how we feel as a person and our wellness. When we look at all of these parts as interconnected, we can then implement holistic thinking, lifestyle, and actions to bring about whole-wellness. Holistic health known mostly for its use in natural therapies, and the benefits we notice when looking at all physical, emotional, mental and spiritual connections.
Commonly when we think about health, diet and exercise are typically the first things that come to mind. However, good health isn't just about the physical body. Our mind and body are interconnected and affect each other tremendously. For example, a stressful situation causing negative thoughts can lead to physical pain or illness. It’s important to maintain a healthy balance between your mind, body, and soul by nurturing your whole self, including your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. Living with holistic lifestyle passion & purpose helps achieve optimal wellness; one must apply it towards every possible endeavor. You can apply a wellness approach towards your health, physical and emotional health, healthy eating, physical activities, self-care, self-esteem, belief systems, environment, community, career, and creative activities. Applying wellness in your everyday life will allow you to achieve your full potential and live with that holistic passion and purpose. Plus, you Regain and Retain Your Health and Wellness.
There are many things you can do in your daily life to achieve overall wellness. Holistic healing often takes a team approach that addresses all aspects of life and uses a variety of natural healthcare therapies and practices. A balanced approach may include complementary therapies such as naturopathy, homeopathy, biofeedback therapy, chiropractic care, massage therapy, health coaching, stress reduction techniques, detox, and many other therapies.
Here are a few simple tips to begin cultivating a mind-body-soul balance.
· Opt for natural remedies whenever you can. With the guidance of a holistic health practitioner, supplements, herbs, the right foods, homeopathics and essential oils can be very healing.
· Avoid as many toxins and chemical exposures as possible.
· Opt for healthy foods as much as you can! Food is what our bodies are built from. Are you building healthy cells from good foods ~ or making cells from processed fast chemical foods?
· Change major sources of stress out of your life. This can be hard to change but it will make a huge difference in your overall health. Stress is very hard on the body.
· Meditate and pray regularly. You will be amazed at how much this practice will help your health ~ mind, body and soul.
· Exercise & move often. We want you to get movement and activity into your daily life. Most people are so sedentary these days it has a huge negative impact on our health, our mind, body and soul. So just start moving! =)
· Self-care every day. Most of us know many of the things that help us create health and know things we can do to reduce our stress, so start with making one improvement every day. That health habit will build to the next healthy habit.
· Small consistent improvements will equal big results over time! Love yourself (and your family) enough to love yourself whole health again.
15 Building Blocks for Building a Solid Wellness Foundation
These Foundational Building Blocks might seem like basics, but they are often overlooked or ignored when we look at the overall health picture. Please review these to make sure you have a strong foundation as you are on your health journey.
Details of each of these are explained in my E-Book – (If you would like to read more about any of these ask me about my E-Book).
1.) Oxygen –Deep Breathing –Yes it really does have health benefits! Belly Breathing daily.
2.) Water – How much you need daily _______ (1/2 your weight in ounces- 200 lb=100 oz)
3.) Sleep – Quality & Quantity of sleep is important. 7-8 quality hours per night.
4.) Food Choices – Nutrient Dense Healthy Foods – to build healthy cells/healthy body.
The foods you choose to eat are what builds your cells! Are you build with good nutrients or from a bunch of chemical processed foods?
5.) Digestion / Gut Health / A Healthy Microbiome – Good health begins with gut health.
6.) Healthy Fats / Omegas / EFA’s – Probiotics – Enzymes – Vitamins – Minerals
7.) pH balancing – how the internal body terrain and organs are functioning.
8.) We have 5 exits of elimination – are they all functioning well?
B.U.L.L.S. - Bowels, Urinary, Lungs, Liver, Skin
9.) Detox Toxins! Reduce exposure to the many toxins we get exposed to these days.
10.) Exercise – Fun Activities that make you sweat – Movement through the day!
11.) Emotional balance and stress support – Makes huge difference in physical health!
12.) Spiritual balance – we are mind, body, spirit – support for all 3 areas for health.
13.) Electrical balance – pH, Healing touch and biofeedback sessions helpful to balance.
14.) Structural balance – Chiropractic, Massage Therapy, & Raindrop Techniques.
15.) Supportive team – who do you have that supports your health goals?
Kari Rene, CNHP, CTN, CAHP, EBC -
Naturopathic Holistic Health Practitioner
Holistic Health Hub & My Vital Force Wellness Center