Ask Your Body What It Needs! With A Biofeedback Scan.

Since I do virtual Zyto scans and Compass Scans I am commonly asked how they work. So I thought I will just share the information from the company, Zyto, on my blog so you can watch the videos and read their PDFs.

Your body is energetically connected and in constant communication. This communication is critical to basic life functions, like moving, growing, and healing, all taking place on a subconscious level.

With breakthrough ZYTO technology, your body can energetically communicate with a computer, allowing you to ask your body questions and get answers.
Using the ZYTO hand cradle to establish a link during a ZYTO scan, energetic stimuli are introduced to your body and body’s response is then recorded. This conversation is called biocommunication, and it provides insights into health and wellness.

Ask Your Body What It Needs! With A Biofeedback Scan.

Since I do virtual Zyto scans and Compass Scans I am commonly asked how they work. So I thought I will just share the information from the company, Zyto, on my blog so you can watch the videos and read their PDFs.

Your body is energetically connected and in constant communication. This communication is critical to basic life functions, like moving, growing, and healing, all taking place on a subconscious level.

With breakthrough ZYTO technology, your body can energetically communicate with a computer, allowing you to ask your body questions and get answers.
Using the ZYTO hand cradle to establish a link during a ZYTO scan, energetic stimuli are introduced to your body and body’s response is then recorded. This conversation is called biocommunication, and it provides insights into health and wellness.

Do you know what your body needs to stay healthy?  Maybe you just need to ask!

ZYTO scans are a stimulus-response exchange between the computer and your body. The response generated by your body’s energetic system provides more comprehensive information and at a level you are most likely not consciously aware of.

Here’s a simple example: You can get Vitamin C from eating an orange or from eating broccoli. You might prefer the taste of orange, but broccoli may be your better choice because YOUR body is able to extract the vitamin C from the broccoli more efficiently.

If you include orange and broccoli in a ZYTO scan you may discover that your body responds favorably to broccoli and unfavorably to orange. The favorable response is referred to as your biological preference; in other words, you show a biological preference for broccoli.

Biological preference doesn’t indicate deficiency and it isn’t a diagnosis of illness or disease. In the example, it simply means that during the scan you responded more favorably to the stimulus linked to broccoli. This information, specifically about you, can now guide your healthcare provider to explore issues around these foods.

Here are the PDF’s from website… 

An introduction to biocommunication.

Your first step to getting more out of life may be as close as a ZYTO biocommunication scan.

Learn how the ZYTO technology works.

A common question … What do the BioMarkers on the Compass mean? The BioMarkers represent the many different areas on the body. The specifics of these scans are not available to us because it is intended as a non-medical device.  In order to keep it that way, the company cannot specify these areas by name.  For general information, it operates with cutting edge technology; the scan is designed to look at the entire body and all its systems. The scan includes such areas as meridians of the body, spinal cord/nervous system information, respiratory, circulatory, cardiovascular, and teeth meridians (to name a few).  In other words it is going through the systems of the body, as well as the energy patterns in the body.    During the scan it is asking the body questions and recording the answers. Once the imbalances are found, it then scans for all of the Young Living products to see what products bring these markers into balance. The product preferences are made by the response your body gave to each individual product.  The product is then ranked by how many BioMarkers are brought into balance with this product. Consecutive products are then added to continue to bring the rest of the BioMarkers into balance-

Which is what I like so much! It is great to know what the stressors for our bodies are, but more importantly let’s bring it back into balance! Please feel free to contact me through my website to ask questions, order, or schedule.